Spring is such a busy, exciting time on the farm, there are so many different things going on. Preparing for planting, planting and all the baby animals. This year we will have two sets of goats born, 36 new chicks and we are planning on adding piggies. We will be doubling our flock this year, to better serve our customers as our eggs are always in high demand. When ordering chickens I like to do things a little differently than most, my highest priority isn’t production. I pick my birds for the color of eggs they lay, how they look (I love variety in the barnyard), how common they are and their willingness to free range and brood. One breed that I have been ordering for years now is the Delaware, they are on conservation lists as breeds that are in danger of being lost. They are a pretty, plump, duel purpose (meaning they lay eggs and are good for meat) breed out of Delaware (hence the name) that were once common on family farms that are now disappearing in favor of commercial breeds. I like my flock to be diverse, my eggs colorful and fun, and my birds hearty and willing to free range.
All of our chicks come from Murry McMurray Hatchery. I have been ordering from them for over 10 years when I first started out with a little flock in my suburban back yard. I’ve always been happy with the quality of chicks and if there has been a problem they were pleasant, friendly to work with and quick to make things right. The pictures on this post come from their site and are the chickens we will be adding. If you are wanting to start a flock I highly recommend them and you can find them here: https://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/index.html