Kidding season was especially successful for the farm this year. Last summer we worked on expanding our herd, thus expanding our milking operation, increasing the output and extending the season. Using the term “milking operation” might be a bit of an exaggeration. We went from two small sized milking goats to five full sized goats. Not all of our goats will be in milk at the same time, we breed on a six month schedule in order to have milk all year and allowing for our ladies to have a little rest between milking and kidding.

This spring we had three of our lady goats expecting in March. They were right ready to kid when our whole family came down with Covid. It made things a bit more difficult. Twice a day I would slowly walk down to the goat paddock, sit and rest at the gate, go inside and check all the expectant moms, rest, then slowly walk up to the house and take a nap! Thankfully Miss Daisy, our first to kid, waited until we were feeling better to have her babies, three healthy boys! Then about a week later Rosemary had four, yes FOUR, babies with the sweetest floppy ears, three little girls and a brother. Two days later, last and least Dorothy had two baby girls, one of which we will be keeping.
All the babies came without assistance and healthy as can be. We couldn’t ask for a better kidding season.