A few years ago I bought carrots seeds and the strangest thing happened. Instead of producing an edible root (well it may have been edible, but they certainly weren’t palatable) they went right to flower. This is strange, in that clearly I didn’t get the correct seed and typically plants in the carrot family are biannual and flower on their second year. It was a lovely mistake and I had a whole 50×4 foot row of beautiful Queen Ann’s Lace type flowers. I soon discovered that they were even better than beautiful, the bugs LOVED them. I had so many different types of pollinators that year that I decided they would always have a place in my garden. This has been quite easy in that they readily reseed themselves. In a permaculture garden it is very important to have plants that attract pollinators, the term is usually coined “pollinator strips”. We are preparing some new markets gardens from virgin land and will be adding perennial rows with bushes a few trees and flowers galore to attract pollinators. It is very easy to gather seeds from these flowers. As the flowers mature and the seeds ripen the heads curl inward, almost making a cup, I just clip off the head and drop it into a paper sack for safe keeping over the winter. This spring when its time to get our strips, or beds, of perennial plants ready those seeds will find a new home.