Jar for our line of medicinal salves sitting on my desk as inspiration.
When the weather turns cool and the garden work isn’t as urgent or time consuming my thoughts and attention turn to my herbs and herbal preparations. My sister-in-law calls this kitchen witching and its a description that is echoed by my husband and children who call me the witch doctor. I am not against conventional medicine, not even a little, my family benefits from it, my life has been saved by it. That being said conventional medicine is usually my last resort. I much prefer gentle at home than a quick, but often harsh, fix.

Essential oils, beeswax and lavender for soaps and salves. This lavender will be infused in Sweet Almond Oil for six weeks then made into a relaxing salve to help with sleep.
I have kitchen witched for many, many years dreaming of a time when I would be able to bring my preparations and education to more than just my family and a few friends. After our success this year at the farmers market I decided that this is the time to go for it. After years of thinking about things, taking a timid step here or there, but not fully committing I am going to do it. I am working very hard in the little in-between-times on our on-line store, recipes and products. And I’m loving every minute of it.

First batch of Charcoal soap cut and ready to sure for six weeks.
I will be offering several types of tinctures to help with everything from sickness to hormone balance and anxiety. Many different salves that help sooth the bite of an insect, to calm pain and help heal a diaper rash. I will also be offering all natural, handmade soaps that do not have any harsh dye or fragrance, such as: Castile,Goat Milk, Charcoal, Honey Oatmeal and Dead Sea Clay. There will also be a handful of miscellaneous items like bath teas, key chains, baby skin care packs and more.
I am so excited to bring these products to you and your family in the coming weeks.